Court Report

November 14

Brett L. Woodbury, 47, was given a suspended entry of judgment after pleading guilty to Failure to Stop for School Bus, a Class B misdemeanor. Judicial Officer Leanna Nash ordered that the defendant pay $150 in fines and surcharges with $100 suspended. Woodbury has been placed on six months’ probation, after which if the court deems the period has been completed successfully a judgment of guilt will not be entered, and the proceedings dismissed.

Leroy Jonathan Hughes, 55, was given a suspended entry of judgment after pleading guilty to Driving with License Canceled/Revoked/Suspended for DUI, a Class A misdemeanor. Judicial Officer Leanna Nash ordered that the defendant pay $150 in fines and surcharges with $100 suspended. Hughes has been placed on six months’ probation, after which if the court deems the period has been completed successfully a judgment of guilt will not be entered, and the proceedings dismissed.


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