Police report

Monday, Nov 13

Citation issued to Brett Woodbury age 47, for driving through school bus red light.

Concerned Citizen: Report smell of burning plastic: UTL.

MVA: Officer responded.

Parking complaint.

Tuesday, Nov. 14

Found property: Phone found in road: Owner picked up.

Lost cell phone.

Lost wallet.

Found Property: Debit card turned in: Owner notified.

Suspicious person: Officer responded.

Citizen Assist: Caller reported their car broke down: Officer assisted.

Citizen report of DUI: Unfounded.

Wednesday, Nov. 15

Nothing to report.

Thursday, Nov. 16

Citizen Assist: Bar check.

Traffic: Parking: Warning given.

Agency Assist: Public Works.

Friday, Nov. 17

Suspicious incident.

Agency Assist: Officer responded.

Suspicious smell: Bad plastic smell: Person asked to put rags in garbage instead of burning.

MVA: Person reported another driver slid into them.

Person reported they ran out of gas and will move vehicle.

Dog with porcupine quills: Chief removed quills.

Paper service: Two summons served.

Traffic: Parking.

Traffic: Parking.

Child dispute: Officer responded to call.

Parking: Vehicle blocking entrance to dock: UTL owner.

Saturday, Nov. 18

Traffic Stop: Vehicle in ditch: Officers on scene.

Report of ¾ eaten deer in front of garage with wolf or dog tracks around it.

Concerned citizen: Person walking across street and may get hit: Officer responded.

Dog Complaint: Warning given to owner.

Sunday, Nov. 19

Welfare check: 911 requested officer check on individual.

Report of Criminal mischief.

Report of Assault.

Found item: Card turned in: Owner notified.

Civil trespass: Request officer to remove individual from residence.

There were four ambulance calls and one dog call this week.


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