Police Report

Monday, Nov. 27

Citation issued to Ashley Woodworth, 32, for no proof of insurance.

Vehicle damage: Car slid down road into large rocks.

Report of suspicious circumstance.

Domestic issue: Officer requested and responded.

Tuesday, Nov. 28

Agency Assist: Power out.

911: Misdial.

Lost wallet.

Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle.

Wednesday, Nov. 29

Suspicious activity.

Intoxicated person.

Illegal parking.

Citizen report of DUI.

Thursday, Nov. 30

Citizen assist: Random breath test: Employment.

Report of criminal mischief.

Agency assist: AST.

Abandoned vehicle.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for defective equipment.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Friday, Dec. 1

Missing medication: Person reported medication gone.

Report of harassing phone call.

Agency assist: 911.

Scam: Reported.

Report of missing dog.

Santa needed a ride.

Saturday, Dec. 2

Nothing to report.

Sunday, Dec. 3

Found property.

Agency Assist: Report of oil slick: FD notified.

Citizen Assist: Vehicle unlocked.

Traffic stop.


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