2017 Holiday Writings Mrs. Miller's 3rd Grade

I am thankful for Landen. He is the best friend ever! I am thankful for my Mom. I used to wash the dishes for her all the time. My Dad and I are thankful for my brother. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my family.

by Alea Meissner

My wish for Christmas is an electric scooter battery for my brother so we can ride to our friend’s house to get there faster! I wish for an awesome Christmas so everyone will be happy on Christmas, and have a good Christmas because it’s a holiday. Another Christmas wish is to play with my brother and our toys we get for Christmas. I hope to sleep that I can sleep in so I won’t be grumpy in the morning.

by Aadyn Gillen

I wish there were no crime and that everyone could get along. I really wish everyone could get along at 4 square. I hope armies get along someday so war ends. I hope animals won’t suffer for food and water, and that they have good homes. I would like a punching bag for Christmas, a new nerf gun, and a PS 4. I would like the Pie in the Face game and a memory foam pillow. I really want to get Mindy a horse set, Chase a monster truck (he really likes those), and Jenna a dog set. I hope everyone has a great Christmas!

by Everett Meissner

Hi, my name is Caleb. I have wishes for Christmas. One is I want a holly jolly Christmas so it can be peaceful. On thing is if I can get a game for my brother and I on PS 4. One other wish is for my parents to have presents too. I would like a red remote control for me and a blue for my brother. I would like more books too! I also hope homeless people find homes, that everyone can find a job, and I wish Mrs. Miller to have a Very Merry Christmas!

by Caleb Leatherland

I hope everyone will have one or more presents from Santa! I want everyone in the world to get a present, from the North Pole to Antarctica. I would like everyone in Wrangell to have anything they could imagine! My Christmas Wishes are for every person that was broke to have money, and a home, and I wish people would not throw trash on beaches that could make animals suffer.

by Kasey Whitaker

I wish for two iPhones, one for me and one for Aadyn. We could play things like Roblox. I could call my mom to go somewhere. Another wish is a snowboard. Last, I’d like to have two dirt bikes; one for me and one for Landen. We could do amazing tricks like backflips! I also hope the poor become rich.

by Emmanuel Brown

I would like an archaeology book to study. I like archeology so much that maybe my teacher will buy me some. I would like my own scooter because when my mom drives us places I takes forever for my brother to get out of the car. I hope that kids who do not have a home, get one. I also really want all kids to have holidays to celebrate, and also freedom, no cancer, no hospitals, power to see, playgrounds to play, and sleeping bags/tents and fresh water!

by Brody Hommel

What I wish for the world is peace for the world! I wish everyone a great family, money, clothing, and a good heart so everyone can be nice and be a good friend. I hope everyone stays off the naughty list, gets nice presents, and have nice, clean books, and also fresh water and food. It would be nice if everyone could be quiet and listen while in school. I wish every child had a nice, kind, generous mother and father, and that everyone got along.

by Natalia Ashton

My wish is to make new friends and for people to be thankful for their families. My wish is for Santa to bring me a scooter, and a bigger bike. I hope that my mom and my brother will have a very good time with me and my grandma. I hope my dad and I have a very good time over in Hawaii! I am thankful for food, a house, parents, and family. I am thankful for school, Mrs. Miller, Principal Taylor, and Mr. Mayer! I am also thankful for books!!! That is my favorite thing to do at school. That, and math!\

by Kiara Lyons

My wishes are for my family to spend time together, and hopefully have Christmas dinner. Also, decorate the tree and wrap presents for under it. I wish for peace and happiness with sharing, caring, and giving. Some people have traditions and everyone’s traditions are different and special. One present I want is a YouTube Channel so I can do fun things with family to share videos with the world.

by Sophia Martinsen

I wish for all people that don’t have a home will get a home by Christmas. I hope the Army will be able to go home for Christmas. I would like a Ninja Turtle set with villains. I’ve been wanting that for a long time! I also want a Spider Man suit. I hope everyone gets to go to school and get smart so they can make money to buy food and have a good life.

by Landen Gillen

My first wish is that my family can have a really good Christmas. For my second wish, I hope all families have a very good Christmas, that everyone gets along, and all have a really great time. I hope homeless people have homes so they can be healthy. I also wish for no bad people in the world! It would be a much better place!

by Madelyn Davies

My first Christmas wish is to have a tree that lights up the whole room! It’s going to be so colorful. My second Christmas wish is to have Christmas with all my best friends. I will be so happy! For my third Christmas wish, I want to have a lot of presents for Christmas! My fourth wish is to give Christmas presents. My wishes for the world are nice weather, to always have something fun to do, and to always explore museums to learn new things.

by Haidyn Gadd

The one thing I want to get my sister, everyone wants! I want to get my dad a hammer and some tools. He likes to make stuff. The thing I want my mom to have is a cute Santa shirt. It is a fuzzy sweater. It is so soft! I want my Grandma to have a bed for Spud, her dog. The dog will love it so much. I want to give Grandpa a new trailer. His got broke. He needs a new one. I want my Grandma Jeannie to have is a pillow that is really comfy. She could fall asleep in a second it is so, so nice. I am thankful I am Mrs. Miller’s student. The things in our classroom are great! I am thankful for what she teaches. We do so many fun things, and she teaches us so much. Math class is fun, and so is Fun Friday and when we go on walks. We all love it! 3rd grade is awesome here!

by Alexis Easterly

My first wish is that the people who do not have a house, get one. I hope that people have enough food. My third wish is that the people who do not have blankets, get blankets. I hope everyone has something that keeps them dry. I would like a board game for Christmas. I hope everyone can see their family members, like soldiers too. I hope everyone can read books with their family, and have lots of fun and freedom!

by Greg Gifford

I am wishing for a puppy for Christmas because it would be really fun. I could play catch, go on walks, and feed him. I would like my family to have fun, play games, read Christmas books, and have cinnamon rolls. It would be fun to have an American Girl doll, or a tent, instrument, or hair stuff. A new bike would be good too because my other one is getting older. It would be fun to have a basket on the bike. I wish for a new pair of winter boots to walk around and play in the snow, and some warm, comfy socks to go with the boots! My wishes for the world are for Veteran’s to be with their family, everyone to have homes, for kind and thankful people with happiness, and everyone having fun on all holidays, including Christmas!

by Alana Harrison

I want to make a wish for my brother to get a remote control hovercraft. He will play with it with everybody. I want to get my brother Alex a drone so he can fly it around. My sister would like a bike. She could drive around and I would race her. I want to get my mom a blanket so she could sleep in it. I would snuggle with her. I want to get my Dad a fishing pole so he can go fishing with me. We would catch a lot of fish together! I want a fishing pole too. I also wish for people that have no food to get food, plus shelter and clothing. I wish I could give them water, money, and fun. I would give them a huge hug too.

by Sawyer Rooney

I wish for poor people to have a Happy Christmas, for them to have at least a present, and enjoy a holiday treat. I also wish for friends and family to have a good Christmas, for no fights, and for everyone to get what they wanted. I hope everyone is not on the naughty list and they have a good Christmas Dinner with tons of fun! I hope Santa enjoys cookies, pie, and other treats left for him. I hope Santa stays jolly forever! I hope I get one thing I want for Christmas, for example, the music album that I am hoping for.

by Melanie Ibarra

I am wishing for a dog for Christmas. I wish for a dog because I get bored a lot and I want somebody to play with. I know it takes a lot of responsibility, but at least I wouldn’t be bored! I could take it on walks, feed it, give it water, bathe it, and play with it. It could be just a small dog. I would name it Gigi, Gizmo, or Lucy, depending on what it looked like. I hope people without homes, get one because it’s really cold outside and it could be scary. I also wish for books! Lots and lots of books! I love to read mostly dog books, but I’ll also read other books.

by Hailey Cook

My wish is for peace and harmony, a Happy Christmas miracle, and to have a Holly Jolly Christmas with my family members. I also wish for Santa to have a Holly Jolly Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wonder how Santa delivers all of the toys to boys and girls! I would like to share what I would like for Christmas: sweatshirts, pikeman, iPad, phone, action figures, and walk and talk tiger that can respond in over one hundred ways! Another thing I really, really, really want is for everyone to have a Merry Christmas, and to all….goodnight!

by Dakota Kahklen

My Christmas Wishes are for everybody to have a great Christmas and for people to get a present they want. My other wish is to have the best Christmas ever! I wish for me is a new phone from Santa. I also wish you all a good Christmas!

by Jackson Pearson

My Christmas wish for this holiday season is peace for the world. That way everybody can be happy and people would be nice to each other. My next Christmas wish is for God to come down from above every Christmas to help people be nicer, or at least once a year. My third Christmas wish is for happiness around the world. That way people are happy and nice. My last Christmas wish is for my Mom and our new baby. I hope the baby has good health and is an easy learner like me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

by Elena Haines

I have a wish for everyone of you to have a Holly Jolly Jingle Jingle Happy Christmas! Another wish, not for just me, but for everyone is peace for the world. Everyone will be nice, even the mice. I have one other wish, just for me. I want Jolly Old Saint Nick to surprise me. Maybe he’ll bring a Dino, a dog, maybe even a frog! I wish you all a Jolly Christmas. It’s the best time of year. Christmas is the best! Time to go spread the word, maybe I will even meet Santa. Have a good day!

by Jackson Carney

I want to please have a robot toy. And I want a Buzz Lightyear toy please, and a Woody to go with him. I also wish to have an rex dinosaur from Toy Story please. I also wish to have a Dr. Pork Chop.

by Michael Shilts

My wish is for everybody to have a great Christmas and be thankful for what they get. I hope that people who do not have homes to have people to help them with food and shelter. I am thankful for being able to be with my family at Christmas and living somewhere where I can be with my family. I am very thankful for all my family. I am thankful for my teacher, Mrs. Miller, and all of my friends who I play with and have fun with everyday! Merry Christmas!

by Sydnie Young


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