Ms. Jenkins's 2nd Grade

My name is sawyer I am 7 years old and live in wrangell AK one thing that I would love This year is a fidget spinner some Things I would like to give away my old shoes to a younger kid who needs.

Dear Santa

My name is susan Neff I am 7 years old andIlive in Wrangell, ak onethingIwouldlove this yearisaJurasic WorldgameIwouldgivblankets to PeoPlewhoarecold

love susan.

Dear Santa

My name is Kailyn. McCutcheon. I am 7 years old and I live in Wrangell. AK. one thing I would love this year is. High heels. And I would love have some crazy cloths. And a work book. I am going to wear my pink dress.


Dear Santy

My name is Amura. One thing that I would love this year is a lap top. Some things I wold like to give is food, water, cloths, toys and backpacks. And somthing I would like to wear is a dress.

Love, Amura

Dear Santa,

My name is Breann Boon. I am 7 years old. I live in Wrangell, Ak. One thing that I would love this year is: A phone. Some things I would like to give: is some of my toys to one of my half sister. Something I would like to wear: a cute blue dress with black leggings and high heels.

Love, breann

My name is orin Beale I am 7 years old and live in wrangell Ak. One thing that I would love

this year in nintento swich And pawpatral that would give to my sister I would war my Dad santa hat.

Love orin

Dear Santa

my name is Haden. I am seven years old and live in Wrangell AK. One thing that I would love this year is a Nintendo three ds. Some things I would like to give is my old clothes to my little cousin and something I would like to wear is a minecraft vest.

love, Haden

BradeN, Dear Santa,

my is Braden Howard i’m 7 year’s old and I live in Wrangell, Ak. one thing that I would love this year is: a iPad that all ready had Mine craft down loaded on it. Some thing’s I would like to give to the poor.


Dear Santa,

My name is Akiva Lewis. I am 9 years old and I live in

Wrangell. onethingIwould lovethis yearis: makeup. I will give

Elleeah elfdoll. I willwearmywhite dressto lookpretty.

Love Akira

Dear Santa,

My name is Jenna. I am 8 years old and in Wrangell Ak. One thing that I would lobe this year is a iphone 4 or 5 and a boat. Some things I would like to give a rest to a frend. And something I would like to wear is a dress to.

love Jenna

Dear Santa

my name Tiana Mocoloch I am 8 years old and live in wrangellll. one thing that I would love this year is a tablit and some rollerskat shoes. Some things I would like to give is some toys to my brother. and something

Dear Santa,

my name is: Miah I am 8 years old and love in Wrangell, Ak. One thing that I would love this year is a phone. Some things I like to give are Clothes and toys. and Something I would like to wear is a dress that IS Blak it has blue Squigles that glow.

Love, miah Houston!

Dear Santa.

My name is Michael. Iam 7 years old and live in Ak one thing that I would love this year is A little dirt bike. Some things I would like to give. My old books. My old presents. My old headphones.

love Michael

Dear Santa

my name is Nathan I am 7 I live in Wrangell this year I wish for a tablet.

Love Nathan

Dear Santa,

My name is Delaney Decker. I am 8 years old and live in Wrangell. One thing that I would love this year is toy guns and would like a pet baby deer. I would give santa lots of good cookies.

Love, Delaney


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