Uh, Thanks?!

Probably like you, I have received many gifts through the years. Birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, anniversary gifts, thank you gifts, and just plain gifts. Some have been memorable, others, well, I would tell you about them if I could remember them. During those times, I have been surprised, speechless, amazed, and, honestly, sometimes bewildered, as I thought, “what on earth is that for?” Or, “Why would I ever need that?”

Some of those gifts, I never knew that I would need, or that they would be so useful. Like that pair of socks…socks wear out you know. Or how about that sweater which now wins prizes every Christmas, because it truly is THE UGLIEST SWEATER. Everyone agrees!

Just like those bewildering gifts, maybe you have not found the reason for the greatest gift that you were ever given, Christ. While the Christmas stories in Matthew and Luke reveal so many details, you can always discover the reason for God’s gift to you in a nearly forgotten, yet familiar passage, John 3:16 and 17. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” The GIFT was given so you could have hope, peace, love, and joy! And, so at the end of this life…it’s not the end, but you have life eternal. URLoved!

Harbor Light Assembly of God Church

Kem Haggard


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