Reflections - Troubleshooting

It’s so frustrating to go through life and not know how to fix things. One of the greatest skills we can have is the ability to troubleshoot; to look at a problem, to discover why something isn’t working, and make the necessary repairs and adjustments to fix a problem at hand. For example, I wish I had a greater ability to troubleshoot problems with vehicles or boats. Growing up, my dad could seemingly “fix anything.” You’d think I would have paid more attention when he was fixing things. In my defense, when my dad fixed things he would often get frustrated, so it wasn’t exactly a healthy learning environment if you know what I mean. Nonetheless, I wish I had those skills now.

The reality is, life brings us trouble. Just ask anyone. Jesus Himself said in John 16:33 “In this world you will have trouble.” But He goes on to say “take heart, I’ve overcome the world.” Matt’s translation: “It’s ok, I’ve already troubleshooted your problems and I have all the solutions.” God gives a life-guide to troubleshoot anything we could face in this life. His Word is the greatest source for understanding, correcting, and solving the problems life throws at us. Perhaps you’ve never made it a priority to read. It can be difficult to understand at times and confusing as to where to start. But I encourage you to make it a priority to read the Bible in 2018. I’m confident you’ll find that it truly can troubleshoot any problem we face, provide us with solutions, remove frustrations, and give us a sense of peace when those troubles come.

Matt Gerald

Youth/Associate Pastor-Harbor Light


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