Police Report

Monday, January 29

Parking Complaint.

Report of theft.

Traffic Complaint.

MVA: Report of a crosswalk sign that has been run over at the corner of St. Michael’s and Front Street.

Tuesday, January 30

Paper Service.

Agency Assist: Public Works.

Wednesday, January 31

MVA: Hit and Run: Owner reported bumper broke while in town.

MVA: Hit and Run: Person reported vehicle hit while in parking lot.

MVA: Owner came into station to make a report.

MVA: Agency Assist: Vehicle in ditch.

Welfare check: Officer responded.

MVA: Car in ditch.

Noise Complaint.

Thursday, February 1

Report of Assault: Parent spoke to officer.

Suspicious vehicle: Owner reported someone parked in their driveway.

Friday, February 2

Curfew: Courtesy ride given.

Two Citizen Assists: Vehicles unlocked.

Domestic Reported.

Citizen Assist: Officers responded.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Saturday, February 3

Harassment: Civil Issue.

Civil Papers.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for equipment.

Found Item: Sled.

Sunday, February 4

Agency Assist: Harbor Department.

Citations issued to Jeannie Easterly, 57, for Animal License required and for Dog at Large.

Found Property: Property returned to owner.

Citations issued to Jennifer Wiederspohn, 42, for Animal License required and Dog at Large.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving without tail lights.

Citations issued to Robert Marshall, 21, for expired registration and for failure to show proof of insurance.

There were three ambulance calls and five dog complaints in this reporting period.


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