Facts & Figures in 2017

400 lbs. ink

9.5 tons newsprint

(Equivalent to 3800 reams of 8.5x11 paper)

928 Pilot pages printed

544 Sentinel

pages printed

9 Full-time employees

43 Years Old, Pilot

116 Years Old, Sentinel

6,720 Average

weekly readership

3 Office puppies

8 State & National Awards

Our Equipment


+ 6-Unit Goss Community Press w/ Folder

+ Ternes Plate bender

+ Lincoln Ink Barrel pump

+ 5,000 lb. Forklift with forks

+ 2,000 lb. Forklift with paper roll clamp



+ 3 – Mac Pro Computers

+ 3 — Apple Laptops

+ 1 Power Mac

+ Konica Minolta Magicolor 7450 printer

+ HP Color Laserjet CP 5225 printer

+ HP Color Laserjet 8550 N printer

+ Epson Stylus Pro 3800 printer

+ Software: Quark Express, Photoshop


+ 4 Canon EOS Rebel SLR cameras

+ 4 Canon telephoto & wide-angle lenses

+ 1 Canon Mark II camera

+ 1 Canon 100-400mm Telephoto


+ Challenge paper drill

+ Challenge 30” paper cutter

+ Interlake stitcher

+ Bostitich stitcher

+ 4,000 lb. Pallet jack

+ Rollem Numbering machine

+ 2 – Padding presses

+ 11x17” Paper Folder

+ Stahl 3-knife trimmer


+ 2 - Richo Aficio MP C4501 copiers

+ Savin C3535 copier

+ Uline 11” laminator

+ Ibico Plastic coil binder


+ Isus computer – circulation

+ 3 – PCs, 2 Isus, 1 Dell - bookkeeping

+ Software: (Business) Quickbooks,

Quickbooks POS


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