Letters to the editor are welcomed

Both newspapers welcome letters to the editor, particularly letters pertaining to local issues. Letters must be signed and be limited to 350 words or roughly a page and one-half of double spaced type.

Writers should include a daytime phone number so that the editor may verify content and authorship.

We reserve the right to edit letters for libelous material, length, taste and clarity. All letters are accepted and published on a space available basis.

Letters become the property of the newspapers and will not be returned.

Deadline for submission of letters is 5 p.m. each Monday for the Sentinel and each Tuesday for the Pilot. Letters should be addressed to: Editor, Petersburg Pilot, P.O. Box 930, Petersburg, Alaska 99833. Letters may be dropped off at our office at 207 N. Nordic Drive, as well. In Wrangell, letters should be addressed to Editor, Wrangell Sentinel, P.O. Box 798, Wrangell, Alaska 99929. Letters may be dropped off at the Sentinel office at 205 Front Street.

Letters are accepted by email as well. Wrangell Sentinel letters should go to wrgsent@gmail.com and to Petersburg Pilot atpilotpub@gmail.com

Both papers will accept longer op-ed pieces by prior arrangement with the publisher. Generally those pieces are limited to between 750 and 800 words.


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