News tips & photos welcomed

Our news staff at both newspapers are accustomed to digging out the news that appears on our pages every week. That doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate and respond to “news tips” from anyone in the community.

If you see or know of a news event, let us know. Our receptionists will pass the item along to a reporter in the news department and we will attempt to cover newsworthy events to the best of our ability.

We have a small staff at both the Pilot and Sentinel, and we can’t be everywhere at once. If you see news happening, give us a call.

The Pilot phone number is 772-9393 and the Sentinel number is 872-2301.

Nearly everyone carries a phone that is capable of

taking photos. Everyday people have the opportunity to take and send photos of events we are not able to cover. Take some shots and send them to us. They

will be considered for publication based upon their news value and our space limitations. Please include names and information about the subject of the photo.

What Makes News?

Webster’s dictionary defines news as “new information or reports of recent happenings.”

Other things that may help you identify news are:

Impact –does your news affect our readers?

Human interest – Colorful events about people.

Oddity – The biggest or smallest of anything is usually newsworthy.

Progress – Accomplishments from graduation to completion of a construction project are news.

Prominence – Famous, powerful or wealthy people interest most of us.

Locality – Some things are newsworthy just because they happen around here.

Public – Is it open to the public? It might be news.

Unusual – Information about the unusual or the uncommon should be in the paper.

When you see news,

please give us a call. We will cover events as our limits if time and space in the paper will permit.


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