Pilot Publishing, Inc. provides all types of printing

The publishers operate one the best-equipped weekly newspaper plants in Alaska. While other newspapers rely on larger newspapers or commercial printers to produce their finished product, Pilot Publishing produces its weekly editions entirely in its own plant.

In addition to the Pilot and Sentinel, we also print the Chilkat Valley News in Haines each week

The three publications are printed on our 6-unit Goss Community press, which is capable of printing 12,000 papers per hour. The papers are delivered trimmed and folded as they come off the press on a conveyor belt.

The press can print up to 32 tabloid-size pages with full-color photos on up to 4 common pages, in a single press-run.

In addition to printing the Pilot, the Chilkat Valley

News and the Wrangell Sentinel each week, we also provide extensive commercial printing and copy services to the community.

Rubber stamps, plastic signs, business forms, letterheads, envelopes, raffle tickets, flyers, magazines, books, business cards, labels, posters and notary seals are just a few of the items we can deliver. If it involves type and ink, we can deliver just about anything.


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