New director at the Senior Center

There's a new face behind the big desk at Wrangell Senior Center.

Leeann Martin took over management at the local center on March 19, having previously worked IT for the school system. Originally from the Seattle area, Martin has lived and worked in Wrangell for five years.

"It was mostly because I can use more of my skills in one place," she said of the recent transition.

A certified nutritionist with a background in healthcare, Martin's duties at the center include handling its paperwork and fundraising, and helping to put together its monthly lunch menu.

Hot lunches are the primary focus of the Wrangell Center, and is one of 11 across Southeast Alaska operated by Catholic Community Service, based in Juneau. Sixteen communities in all are served under the wider Southeast Senior Services umbrella, with meals on wheels, transportation and other support services among those offered to resident elders.

Open from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the week, the Center primarily caters to residents aged 60 years and older. Last year, staff at the center provided 3,391 meals at the center, while another 4,009 were delivered to seniors at home. The center's shuttle bus provided 2,077 rides.

Initially state-funded, the program has since shifted toward other sources of support. The city provides the facilities and fuel for Wrangell Senior Center, while grant monies are made available for many of its services through Wrangell Cooperative Association's Title VI access. Donations and other community support round off the rest.

This year the program has a shortfall of $27,000, leaving the center's staff looking for additional help. Martin explained the center is looking into a pizza-related drive and a fun run later this year, but is currently selling tickets for a raffle to help gee up funds.

"We're doing a 50/50 on the 30th, we'll do the drawing then," she explained. As the name implies, in a 50/50 raffle the winning ticket splits the total pot with the seller, in this case the Senior Center. Tickets are currently available at the center.

"That list'll grow as I get going," Martin added, referring to other fundraiser options.

The Center is not only in need of operating funds. "We can always use games, puzzles," Martin said. "We're always looking for people to give presentations," or just to hang out over lunch or coffee. "People are welcome any time."

For more information on the Center's operations, or to find out how to help, email Martin at or call during open hours at 874-2066.


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