Police Report

Monday, April 23


Agency assist: Ambulance requested.

Turned in unwanted gun.

Paper service.

DV order.

Eviction order.

Arrested: Wilson Boon, 29: Charges of Violation of DVO.

Tuesday, April 24

Citation issued: Cooper Seimears, 32: Operating vehicle with expired registration and verbal warning for driving habits.

Welfare check.

Wednesday, April 25

OTC paper served.

Agency assist: Public Works.

Civil standby requested.

Thursday, April 26

Agency assist.

Agency assist: Fire Department.

Summons served.

Agency assist: Fire Department.

Catering permit.

Vandalized vehicle: Unfounded.

Friday, April 27

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Citizen report of intoxicated person: Unfounded.

Agency assist: Alarm.

Open premise: Owners closed door.

Agency assist: Theft.

Agency assist: SEARHC.

Agency assist: Unattended luggage.

Summons service.

Saturday, April 28

Agency assist: Alarm.

20 Day ex parte denied.

Hazardous play.

Abandoned Vehicle.

Suspicious circumstance.

Sunday, April 29

Suspicious circumstance.

Report of theft.

During this reporting period there were 2 EMS callouts.


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