Sport fishing for kings opening in nearby hatchery areas

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Tuesday some sport fishing opportunity for hatchery-produced king salmon will soon start in areas near Petersburg and Wrangell.

From June 1 - July 31 several terminal harvest areas will be open to sport fishermen.

In the Wrangell Narrows and Blind Slough THA, bag and possession limits for residents and nonresidents alike will be limited to two kings at least 28 inches or greater in length, and two kings less than 28 inches long. The area is that portion of the Narrows south of Martinsens's dock at 56° 46' N. latitude, and north and east of the northern tip of Woewodski Island. The waters include the freshwaters of Blind Slough upstream of a line between Blind Point and Anchor Point. King salmon caught by nonresidents in this area do not count toward the nonresident annual limit.

Opportunity will also be open in the Anita Bay THA, or the waters south and west of a line from Anita point to 56° 14.26' N. latitude, 132° 23.92' W. longitude. Bag and possession limits here for all participants will be one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. Nonresident annual limits continue to apply in this area.

Near Petersburg, the marine waters adjacent to City Creek between markers posted on the Mitkof Island shore and seaward to a line approximately 250 yards offshore will be open to sport king fishing, and includes the freshwaters of City Creek. The bag and possession limit here will be one king salmon of any size. King salmon caught by nonresidents in this area do not count toward the nonresident annual limit.

For information contact ADFG management biologist Patrick Fowler at 772-5231.


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