Subsistence permits now available online

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced on Friday it would begin to allow subsistence and personal use salmon permit participants to access their permits online.

Online availability was established as a result of user feedback, with the intention of streamlining and simplifying the permitting process. A single, regionwide permit has been created that will allow bearers the opportunity to harvest salmon through the waters of Southeast Alaska and Yakutat.

Permits are still free, available online at Permit holders are reminded to download and review specific conditions pertaining to the areas they intend to fish before they begin harvesting activities. Permit holders must sign their permit in ink to make it valid and have it in their possession while taking part in those fisheries.

Due to the move to online permits, the permit itself can no longer be used as a proxy form. Qualifying permit holders who want another resident to fish for them by proxy will now require an additional proxy fishing information form, available at ADFG area offices.

If additional information or assistance is needed with the online application process, please contact your local office, either at Wrangell at 874-3822 or Petersburg at 772-3801.


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