Golf Roundup

It was a relatively quiet weekend at the links this weekend, with two teams squaring off during the annual City Market/Sentry Hardware and Marine Golf Tournament.

Eight golfers were teamed off at random during Saturday's mystery scramble, and a team made up of Jerry Bakeburg, Doug Nelson, Wayne Ellis and Randy Littleton came out on top with a combined score of 168. Littleton would hit the straightest drive of the day, while George Woodbury would land the closest to the designated pin.

On Sunday, teams formed for a best ball endeavor, and Nelson, Ellis, Grover Mathis and Ed Rilatos finished first with a net score of 21. Bakeburg would pick up achievements for both straightest drive and closest to pin during the day's play.

A pair of tournaments await this weekend, with the Stikine Sportsmen's Association holding a nine-hole event Friday evening beginning at 5 p.m.

Friends and former colleagues will converge on Saturday and Sunday for the Greg Scheff Memorial Tournament. The event has been held in the avid golfer's honor since his passing in a plane crash on Admiralty Island in April 2016. Signup both mornings starts at 9:30 a.m., with play to follow at 10. Saturday's will be a best-ball 18-hole tournament, while Sunday will only have nine holes to play.


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