Trooper round-up

May 28

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell issued Ronald Hall, 73, from Juneau, a $110 citation for no biodegradable escape mechanism on his sport fish shrimp pot in the District Court at Wrangell.

June 1

Alaska Wildlife Troopers’ Wrangell post cited David Pluard, 64, from Washington, for failure to return his DE321 Etolin elk permit to ADFG as required. Pluard was issued a $110 citation in the District Court in Wrangell.

June 3

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell issued Edward Kalkins, 61, from Wrangell, a $110 citation for no escape rings on his sport fish Dungeness crab pot in the District Court at Wrangell.

June 6

Alaska Wildlife Troopers’ Wrangell post cited Nicholas Martin, 34, from Wrangell, for failure to return his RM038 moose permit to ADFG as required. Martin was issued a $110 citation in the District Court in Wrangell.

June 9

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell contacted Jeffrey Darr, 62, and Johnny Loftus, 52, both from Utah. Investigation determined Loftus did not have a sport fishing license in his possession, and Darr was in possession of a king salmon in waters closed to their retention. Loftus was issued a $210 citation for sport fishing without a license in possession, and a $260 citation for possession of king salmon in closed waters. Both citations were in the District Court at Wrangell. The salmon was seized and donated to charity. Fishermen are reminded they cannot be in possession of a king salmon in waters which are closed to their retention.

June 11

At 4:31 p.m. Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell contacted Loretto Jones, 63, from Wrangell, aboard the charter fishing boat Nautical Son. Investigation determined Jones as captain failed to ensure the saltwater guide logbook was completed as required. Jones was issued a $210 citation in the District Court at Wrangell for failure to complete logbook as required.

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell contacted Bruce Eagle, 74, from Wrangell. Investigation determined Eagle was operating over the limit of personal use Dungeness crab pots and one of the crab pots did not have the correct size of escape rings. Eagle was issued a summons for over limit of personal use crab gear and $110 citation for undersize escape rings on a Dungeness crab pot. Both the summons and citation are in the District Court at Wrangell.

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell issued James Anderson, 65, from Wrangell, a $110 citation for no biodegradable escape mechanism on personal use Dungeness crab pots in the District Court at Wrangell.

June 12

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell issued Joan Sargent, 65, from Wrangell, a $110 citation for no biodegradable escape mechanism on personal use Dungeness crab pots in the District Court at Wrangell.

Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell issued Roger Haverstock, 61, from Wrangell, a $110 citation for undersized escape rings on his personal use Dungeness crab pot in the District Court at Wrangell.


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