Golf round-up

Turnout was light at a pair of golf tournaments over the Father’s Day weekend, with 11 participants making it to the AP&T and KSTK tournament on Saturday.

The best-ball tournament saw a team of Randy Littleton, Lisa and Lucas Messmer take first place, with a net score of 19 from a handicap of 17. Right behind them with a score of 21 were George Woodbury, Ed Rilatos, Ron Soule and Doug Nelson. Lisa Messmer came out with the straightest drive of the day at 15 inches, while Woodbury would come closest to the pin at 11’9”.

Another best-ball tournament was held on Sunday, this time sponsored by the Elks Lodge #1595. George and Brett Woodbury, Littleton and Grover Mathis formed the winning team, with a net score of 22 from a handicap of 11. Scoring similarly but with a handicap of 18, Chuck and Jason Hay, and Tommy White came in second place. Brett Woodbury had the straightest drive of the day.

This coming weekend for Muskeg Meadows will see the Alaska Airlines Tournament, with 18 holes scheduled for Saturday and half that on Sunday morning. A prize drawing for a pair of system-wide tickets will be featured.


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