Police Report

June 18, 2018

Agency assist: Harbor department.

Agency assist: Line crew.

Assault: Amber N. Tubin, 18, on charges of assault IV/DV.

June 19, 2018

Suspicious person.

Two summons services.

Citations issued: Breanna Miethe, 26, for parking within 15’ of fire hydrant and parking in a no trespass area.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Suspicious person.

June 20, 2018

Report of theft.

Driving complaint.

Arrested: Linda Churchill, 53, on charges of driving under the influence. Citation issued for failure to provide proof of insurance.

Citizen assist.

June 21, 2018

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Citation issued: Erik Vocelka, 35, for failure to provide proof of insurance.

Driving complaint.

Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle.

Catering permit.

Found bag.

Citizen reported smoke: Unfounded.

June 22, 2018

Firecracker complaint.

Traffic stop citation: Donald Sorric, 56, for failure to provide proof of insurance and failure to carry and show drivers license. Verbal warning for failure to stop.

Traffic stop citation: Diana Armstrong, for failure to stop.

Dog bite.

Illegal parking citation: Left on vehicle.

June 23, 2018

Lost property.

Traffic: Verbal warning for improper display of tags.

Fireworks: Verbal warning given.

Noise complaint.

Stolen bicycle: Recovered.

Citizen report: Possible DUI/ unfounded.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

June 24, 2018

Agency assist: Line crew.


During this past week there were two ambulance calls and one animal complaint.


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