New Nolan director named, other vacancies still to fill

A new director for the Nolan Center was named late last week, with Cyni Crary to begin in the position later this month.

Crary has been the executive director at the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce for most of the past eight years, coming with a background in business administration.

“I have many ideas for potentially increasing revenue and evaluating the work flow process to create efficiencies and growth,” she said in a statement. “I’m excited to explore new ideas with the team while continuing to advocate on behalf of Wrangell.”

On the hiring, Wrangell borough manager Lisa Von Bargen noted some of the similarities the two roles

have, with both the Chamber and Nolan Center closely tied to community engagement and improving economic opportunity.

“We’re excited at the skill set that she brings,” Von Bargen commented. She expressed confidence that Crary will be able to get the most use from the facility’s resources to achieve those ends.

The Nolan Center directorship had previously been maintained by Terri Henson, who had also been

director of the Wrangell Museum featured at the facility. Formally wearing two hats during the last few years of her tenure, after Henson’s retirement the city in April decided to merge both positions into one expansive role.

The city has other key positions to fill yet, looking to replace its outgoing finance and Public Works directors and relieve its interim

superintendent at Wrangell Municipal Light and Power, who has been maintaining the utility since mid-April.

Von Bargen reported the city will be re-posting its availability at the electrical department, while she is figuring out a schedule for interviews for the finance director post. Meanwhile, the city assembly planned to meet yesterday in a special session to reconfigure the Public Works position, among other business.

Previous director Amber Al-Haddad has transitioned over to the newly-created Capital Facilities Department, which assembly members approved with passage of this year’s budget. The new department will focus on building upkeep and project management, also consolidating facilities maintenance for public departments.

Under the new restructuring, Public Works will retain water, waste management, the city motor pool and other utilities.


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