
The first of August I board the ferry to return to Washington State. I have spent two years in Wrangell, serving as the pastor of Island of Faith Lutheran Church. Before I leave, I appreciate the opportunity to share in print some of the memories I will take with me of my time here.

Wrangell makes a lasting impression. This community abounds with hospitality. Newcomers are welcomed with smiles and offers of help, ranging from housing to employment to basic needs of food and clothing. The message is clear: welcome to Wrangell, we’re glad you’re here. Compassion is also part of the fabric of the community. Illnesses, accidents, and deaths bring people together to comfort and care for the families going through hard times. When families experience hard times, people rally around to offer support, financial and spiritual. I am leaving Alaska for the mountains of Washington; I cannot leave without expressing gratitude to Island of Faith for the privilege of serving as their pastor and to the Wrangell Ministerial

Association for their fellowship and presence.

Pastor Nancy Gradwohl


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