Golf roundup

There were 22 participants on the July 28 Bearfest golf tournament. A team consisting of Jim Abbott, Betty Abbott and Eric Kading won the 9-hole, best ball tournament. The first place team scored 16 with a handicap of 17. Second place went to Wayne Harding, Kathleen Harding, Grover Mathis and Robert Johnson. They scored 20 with a handicap of 15.

Matt Hagen had the straightest drive of the day at 130 inches. Wayne Harding was closest to the pin at 21 feet, 6 inches.

There was another 9-hole tournament on July 29, sponsored by Al Kaer Memorial/Senior Apartments. There were 17 participants in this tournament. First place went to Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid and Rodney Littleton with a net score of 20 and a handicap of 14. The second place team consisted of Randy Littleton, Clint Lewis and Victoria Ingram.

Grover Mathis had the straightest drive at 17 feet. Rodney Littleton was closest to the pin at 16 feet, 6 inches.

Next week, on Saturday and Sunday, there will be two 9-hole best ball tournaments sponsored by Totem Bar. Signup lasts until 9:45 a.m., and the tournaments kick off at 10 a.m.


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