Wrangell Public Schools registration

Registration for Evergreen Elementary, Stikine Middle School and Wrangell High School will be held Thurs., Aug. 16, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. at Wrangell High School Gym/Commons.

New students will need to come in to complete a paper registration packet. Returning students can complete registration online via Powerschool which will be available Mon., Aug. 13.

Contact the following to reset a Powerschool login or to schedule a different time for registration: WHS - 874-3395; SMS - 874-3393; EES - 8741-2321.

Credit cards can be used for fees. Checks should be made out to Wrangell Public Schools. Registration fees are listed on the district website for each school.


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