Another school year starts

As summer draws to a close, Wrangell's schools prpare for another year of education. Families across the island are also preparing for the year by purchasing school supplies, getting new clothes, and registering their kids for school.

Wrangell High School was open last Thursday for families to get their kids registered for the new school year. Representatives of Evergreen Elementary, Wrangell Middle School, and Wrangell High School were present to help people get through the registration process. According to David Macri, principal of the middle school and high school, roughly a third of the school district's students had been pre-registered online.

Many students were present with their parents during registration. One was Aydyn Losinski, who will be entering the first grade this year. He said he was looking forward to school starting. His mother, Karey Loshek, said that Aydyn had been a little sad that all the summer activities he had been a part of were coming to an end, but was looking forward to school.

Other students present at registration were Lynn and Jade Balansag. Lynn will be a high school sophomore this year, while her sister Jade is entering the second grade. Jade said she is also excited for school.

"You get to do art and play fun games," she said.

Elias Decker, soon to be in the eighth grade, said he was less excited for the new school year. He said he prefers hands-on activities to book learning. His mother, Kellie Decker, said Elias had spent the summer mowing lawns and doing odd jobs. Elias said that he was looking forward to shop classes and P.E.

The first day of school in the Wrangell School District is today, August 23.


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