Shoemaker Bay Harbor prepares for refurbishing

Shoemaker Bay Harbor was built in 1977 with a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years, according to Wrangell Harbor Master Gregg Meissner. Now, at 41-years-old, the harbor is finally getting rebuilt. Meissner said many of the renovations are to ensure the harbor meets the needs of modernboats.

The renovated Shoemaker Harbor will be similar to Heritage Harbor, he said, which was built in the early 2000s.

"Since 40 years ago boats have gotten wider and deeper, so the configuration will be a little different. The berths will be a little wider, the fairway's a little wider," he said.

The harbor currently has five "fingers" coming off the main 750-foot dock where people can dock their boats. Meissner said that the renovated dock will have four fingers, with berths allowing for larger boats. The two gangways that currently exist will also be replaced with a single gangway in the center of the harbor. He added that construction crews will also dredge the harbor to make it a little deeper, and that the new dock will be kept higher off the water than the old one, helping it to last longer.

"Their goal is for a 50-year design life," he said.

Meissner said that all boats currently parked in the harbor, and all cars in the parking lot, need to be moved by August 31. Renovations will begin in early September, and work is expected to be complete around June or July 2019.

"It's kind of a pain in the butt, everyone gets mad about the inconvenience, but it's nice when you're done," Meissner said. "The final completion is July 15 for punch list items but they'll be done prior to that, I want to say I think it's June. If we have a good, open winter maybe it goes faster, who knows?" The harbor office can be reached at (907) 874-3736.


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