The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

August 29, 1918

School will open September ninth, a week later than usual this year owing to the repairs that are being made to the interior of the school building. These repairs were very necessary from a sanitary standpoint and will improve the arrangement greatly besides eliminating considerable wasted space. Besides the alterations, two rooms have been painted and new blackboards will be installed throughout the school.

August 27, 1943

The Coast Guard’s widely heralded 35-piece band will play a concert in the ANB hall here on September 7, it was announced today by Port Captain John Brantner on receipt of information from Capt. F. A. Zeusler, commanding the Coast Guard in Alaska. The band reported to be one of the best service musical organizations in the north, is making a tour of communities where Coast Guard units are established.

Music lover Gov. Gruening, hard pressed for time, went to hear the band for “not more than 10 minutes.” Result: Pressing matters waited; Chief Executive stayed nearly an hour; urged Capt. Zeusler to get his band out around so other Alaskans might hear it. Wrangell’s opportunity will be Sept. 7. The public is invited to attend. There is no charge.

August 29, 1968

With the school year beginning, a warning was issued this week by Wrangell Police Chief Bill Klink and State Trooper Joe Petticrew to motorists.

They asked that they pay particular attention to school children walking to and from schools.

“With the completion of the Highway project and other paving improvements, speed is bound to increase. I would hope that everyone could enjoy the pleasure and convenience of the new paved roads, but not at the expense of the life or limb of one of our school children.

“Motorists are reminded that the maximum speed limit in a school zone is 20 miles an hour under the best road conditions. Maximum safe speed may be considerably less, depending upon road and weather conditions. Please, help keep our children safe.”

September 2, 1993

Wrangell School District has announced the hiring of Kelli Prescott to fill the new first-grade teaching position created by the school board at its special meeting Aug. 23.

The board decided to add this position based on recent enrollment data for this grade level and the school’s priority goals developed through last fall’s planning process.

Prescott graduated from Warner Pacific College in Portland, Ore., in the spring of 1992 with a degree in human development and elementary education.

Her student teaching was accomplished at the first-grade level and resulted in outstanding ratings from both supervising personnel and university officials.

Last year, Prescott worked in Wrangell’s primary school program as a para-professional providing specialized reading instruction. She is a 1988 graduate of Wrangell High School and joins classmate Jennifer Warfel in the primary building.

“It’s a great new relationship,” said elementary Principal Dave Dirksen, commenting on the fact that he now has two teachers in his building who were Wrangell High students during his tenure as the high school principal. “It’s nice to see Wrangell young people come home to make a contribution to our community.”

Kelli Prescott is the daughter of Kay and Mickey Prescott of Wrangell.


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