Police report

August 20, 2018

Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock.

Civil issue.

Civil matter.

Found property: Returned to owner.

Warrant arrest: Arrested Julio A Cardona III, 27 on charges of VCOR, DUI, and refuse chemical test.

August 21, 2018

Welfare check.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speeding.

86’d letter served.


August 22, 2018

Agency assist.

August 23, 2018

Domestic: Unfounded.

Citation issued: Mark Walker, 69. Speeding in school zone and verbal warning for expired registration.

Citations issued: Andrea Marrero, 19. Speeding in school zone and failure to provide proof of insurance.

Citation issued: Daniel Trail, 57. Speeding in school zone.

Agency assist.

August 24, 2018

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speed.

Agency assist: Fire alarm.

Agency assist: Harbor.

Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock.

Suspicious vehicle.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for defective equipment.

August 25, 2018

Citizen assist.

Agency assist: USFS.

Citations issued: Patrick O. Lennon, 71. Failure to stop at a stop sign and failure to provide proof of insurance.

Arrested: Omar Nagaya-Sanchez, 28. On charges of DUI.

August 26, 2018

Citation issued: Timothy Gillen, 46. Failure to provide proof of insurance and verbal warning for expired driver’s license.

There were five ambulance calls and three dog complaints this week.


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