Von Bargen named to Southeast Conference Board

Lisa Von Bargen, Wrangell's city manager, has recently been elected to sit on the board of directors of Southeast Conference. Southeast Conference was originally founded in 1958 as a network of organizations to advocate for the Alaska Marine Highway System. Today, though, it is a collection of municipalities, nonprofits, businesses, and other groups working together for economic development in Southeast Alaska. As the newest member of the board, Von Bargen said that she wants to help continue the conference's goals of economic development.

"There are a number of committees that the organization has that deals with different sectors of the economy, and energy, so my guess is I'll end up serving on a committee or two, assisting in those areas," she said. "There are eight committees, including transportation, energy, marine industry/seafood, visitor industry, timber, mining, general economic development, and solid waste."

Solid waste is a big issue in Southeast Alaska, Von Bargen said, as so many towns in the region ship their waste away. Another issue, one that she said is especially apparent in Wrangell, is medical care. Getting more hospitals and doctors into Southeast Alaska is important for the area's development.

Von Bargen said that she will be meeting with Southeast Conference in November to get a better idea of the organization's big-picture goals. The board of directors for the conference consists of 13 members. Five are reserved for people representing Southeast Alaskan business interests, and another three are "at large" seats. The other remaining five are reserved for people representing municipalities. Von Bargen said she is replacing Cindi Lagoudakis of Petersburg. Most of her work with Southeast Conference will occur over the phone, she added, though there will be in-person meetings she plans to attend. Dividing her time between Wrangell and Southeast Conference could be challenging, she said, but will be doable.

"I'm just hoping to be a force for positive movement forward with the regional economy," she said. "And that maximizes

benefits for Wrangell, of course."


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