P&Z commission approves final plats for Wrangell Medical Center, new hospital

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission held a special meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 3. It was a short meeting, with only two final plats to be approved.

The first plat was of the Wrangell Medical Center subdivision. The commission explained that, essentially, this final plat involved consolidating seven lots into a single lot, comprising where the medical center currently sits. An alleyway was vacated from the plat, and some utility easements were added. This final plat was approved with little discussion.

The second plat was a replat of lots B-1, B-2, and B-3 for Healthcare Sub division II, and the creation of four lots in Health Care Subdivision III. This final plat is near the location of the SEARHC AICS clinic, where the new hospital is planned to be constructed. The commission said that this final plat was to prepare the area for construction, when it begins. This plat was also approved.


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