Police report

October 7, 2018

Three courtesy transports.

Citizen assist: Unlock residence.

Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock.

Disturbance: Officer responded.

Drug paraphernalia.

Agency assist: Search and rescue.

Traffic: Vehicle with fuel pump issue.

Citations issued: George Elmore, 52. Animal license required and dog at large.

Citation issued: Lucy Moline-Robinson, 42. Failure to provide proof of insurance.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for improper use of rear lighting.

October 6, 2018

Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle.

Citation issued: Sara Gadd, 28. Expired registration.

Citation issued: Cathy Cooper, 29. No proof of insurance.

Warrant arrest: Arrested Troy Winchester, 28, regarding two warrants.

Citation issued: Donna McKay, 65. Failure to provide proof of insurance.

Citation issued: Justin Barker, 32. Exceeding time limit parking.

October 5, 2018

Parking complaint: Vehicle parked in the fire lane.

Drug paraphernalia.

Paper service: 86’d letter served.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for speed.

Gun shot: Officers unable to locate.

October 4, 2018

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Loud music complaint: Person turned down music.

October 3, 2018

Missing dog reported.

Theft: Report of dog taken.

Citation issued: George Stoican, 71. Vehicle cannot be school bus yellow.

October 2, 2018


Traffic complaint.

Stalking order.

Citation issued: Kelsy Leffler, 28. No proof of insurance.

October 1, 2018

Report of theft.

Summons served.

Report of disturbance.

Civil matter.

There were three ambulance calls and two dog complaints this week.


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