The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

November 7, 1918

The small boys at Wrangell are very warlike. Recently the town marshal there was ordered to disarm all the children and confiscate all slingshots, air-guns and firearms found on their persons. If this did not curb their war-like ardor it was ordered that the boys be arrested and fined if they did not quit shooting within the city limits.

November 5, 1943

The Ways and Means committee, after approving a raise from 3 cents to 4 cents for mailing out-of-town letters, later decided to leave the charge at three cents. The Committee also rescinded previous action that would have doubled the tax on cigars. The action left an estimated 2 billion, 35 millions in the new U.S. tax bill against administration requests for 10 ½ billions.

October 31, 1968

Wrangell voters will go to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots in the General Election.

On Tuesday’s ballot will be the names of candidates for U.S. President and Vice President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, State Senator and State Representative. Voters will be voting at three precincts – the Library, Episcopal Church Parish hall and the Post Office. In addition to the election of candidates, voters will be asked to decide eight bond propositions for $62.7 million.

These would provide funds for the construction of a pioneers’ home in South Central, highways, hospitals, airports, improvements at the University, purchase of ferries and construction of fish hatcheries.

November 4, 1993

Southeast hunters may soon find answers to the long – debated question of how elk affect native deer in an Etolin Island study designed to provide scientific information on the subject. Elk are attractive to hunters and lots of people want to hunt them, which has led to many failed attempts to transplant them, said Charlie Land, who is a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) lifetime member.

Fossil elk have been found on Kodiak and Afognak islands, indicating that elk may at one time have been native to Alaska, he noted. Earlier this year a bill was introduced into the Alaska Legislature proposing to transplant between 75 - 100 elk to each of four Southeast locations, including Kruzof Island, Gravina Island, Cleveland Peninsula and Prince of Wales Island.

The RMEF contributed $6,000 toward the ADF&G study, which will provide more concrete information about what the elk are eating and where they concentrate.

Still, small studies like this one raise more questions than answers, sans Land. “It’s a question of either more money for some very expensive studies or waiting 20 to 40 years to find out how the elk affect the deer,” he says.


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