Remainder of Unit 3 Elk Hunt closed

(Sitka) – Due to concerns about low elk numbers, from 2008-2012 the elk hunting season on Zarembo Island was closed by emergency order. In 2013, following several consecutive years of emergency closures, the board took similar regulatory action, closing Zarembo Island to elk hunting. In a related action, and due to concerns about hunters "bootlegging" elk off of Zarembo and claiming to have harvested them elsewhere in Unit 3 during the General Season elk hunt (Aug. 1−Dec. 31, one elk), the board also closed Bushy, Shrubby and the Kashevarof Islands to elk hunting. Anecdotal reports and the absence of verified elk sightings or kill locations in the general season hunt area suggest this hunt continues to be abused to facilitate taking elk from Etolin and Zarembo islands outside of the current bull-only drawing and registration permit hunts. Because the Department has conservation concerns for the Zarembo elk herd, an emergency order (EO) is being issued to prevent unsustainable harvest.

Emergency Order 01-19-18 was issued to close the elk season in the Remainder of Unit 3 on Thursday, November 1, 2018 @ 11:59 PM.

This emergency order is necessary to restrict unsustainable harvest in this area. Any additional harvest could have long-term negative effects on this elk population and prevent further recovery.

This EO does not affect the upcoming registration elk hunt (RE325) on Etolin Island.

Previous EO's are listed online at: ws.main.

For additional information please contact the Sitka area office at (907) 747-5449 or Petersburg area office at (907) 772-3801.


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