Police report

October 22, 2018

Criminal trespass: Trespass warning given.

Traffic complaint.

Trespass: Officer responded.

Report of disturbance.

October 23, 2018

Paper service.

Traffic: Vehicle break down.

October 24, 2018


Report of assault.

Agency assist: OCS.

Arrested: Dakota Gallant, 28. On charges of violating conditions of release.

Traffic: Verbal warning for being at the shooting range after hours.

Disturbance: Verbal warning for music too loud.

October 25, 2018

Agency assist: Search and rescue.

Noise complaint: Unable to locate.

October 26, 2018

Citation issued: Joshua Miethe, 47. Time limit parking.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for stop sign violation.

Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for a headlight being out.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning given for faulty equipment.

Citation issued: Jon Appleman, 64. Failure to stop at a stop sign.

October 27, 2018

Traffic stop: Verbal warning given for driving habits.

Citation issued: Jennifer Dalton, 46. Dog at large.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning given for driving habits and distracted driving.

Traffic: Driver was warned about parking in the roadway.

Traffic: Verbal warning given for being at shooting range past hours.

Unsecured premises: Officer stated the doors were closed and the building was secure.

Theft reported.

Paper service.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

October 28, 2018

Citation issued: Skyler Lofftus, 16. Failure to provide proof of insurance. Insurance provided.

Citation issued: Tyver Gillen, 29. Failure to provide proof of insurance and expired registration.

Assault reported: Unfounded.

Arrested: Alan Frank, 53, on charges of assault in the fourth degree.

Parking complaint.

There were three ambulance calls and one dog complaint this week.


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