Three wrestlers take first place in Metlakatla meet

Three Wrangell high school wrestlers were able to take first place at the Metlakatla invitational tournament last week. The Wrangell Wolves competed against eight other schools at the tournament: Craig, Haines, Hydaburg, Ketchikan, Metlakatla, Mt. Edgecumbe, Petersburg, and Thorne Bay. Hunter and Rowen Wiederspohn and Jake Eastaugh all took first place in their weight brackets.

Hunter Wiederspohn took first place in the 152 bracket over three wrestlers from Ketchikan High School. Rowan Wiederspohn took first in the 160 bracket over two wrestlers from Petersburg High School and one from Ketchikan. Jake Eastaugh took first place in the 171B bracket over two wrestlers from Metlakatla and Mt. Edgecumbe.

Wrestlers Ryan Rooney and Jonah Comstock placed second in the 103 and 112 brackets. James Shilts placed third in the 160B bracket. Wade Jack, Liana Carney, Elizabeth Johnson, and Sophia Ely all took sixth place in their respective brackets, as well.

The wrestling team will be competing in the ACS invitational tournament on Nov. 9 and 10.


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