Swim club competes in November Rain meet

The Wrangell Swim Club went to November Rain last weekend, an annual swim meet held in Petersburg. This is the third year Wrangell has competed in the event, according to Coach Jamie Roberts. Roberts brought 17 swimmers to Petersburg.

Each swimmer in the meet, she explained, could participate in a maximum of 12 swims. Her swimmers competed in a total of 138 swims. Not counting for warm-ups, the team swam a total of 485 laps over the three days of the competition. Two

swimmers, Paige Baggen and Jack Roberts, swam about a quarter of these laps. Baggen competed in nine events and swam 62 laps. Jack Roberts also competed in nine events and swam 65 laps. Jamie Roberts also pointed out one of her swimmers, Stella Buness. She competed in seven swims during November Rain, and was also the youngest member of the club, at the meet, at seven-years-old.

“I was really impressed with the younger group for their courage,” she said. “I had one younger swimmer who’s never been to a swim meet before. It can kind of be an overwhelming experience.”


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