Elks hosting annual Hoop Shoot this Saturday

The Hoop Shoot, a children’s basketball free throw contest hosted by the Elks, will be hosted at the community gym this Saturday. Jeff Jabusch, local director of the contest, said that the annual event was started in the 1940s for younger children to have a fun activity. Since then, it has grown into a nationwide contest.

Children from the ages of eight to 13-years-old are invited to participate in the Hoop Shoot. The children will be divided into three age categories of girls and boys: eight and nine-years-old, 10 and 11-years-old, and 12 and 13-years old.

“The magic date is April 1, 2019,” Jabusch said. “However old you are on that date is the age group you shoot in.”

Participants in the free throw contest will get 25 shots at making a basket. Afterwards, they are all invited to the Elks lodge for hamburgers. First, second, and third place winners will also receive a trophy. Jabusch said that first place winners become eligible for state honors, and some will also potentially get to participate in a regional free throw contest in Vancouver, Washington. A national Hoop Shoot will take place amongst the regional champions in Chicago, on April 27, 2019. The national winner will have their name listed in the Basketball Hall of Fame, Jabusch said.

“Last year we had about 50 kids participate,” he said. “It’s been very popular with the kids.”

Those wishing to participate in the Hoop Shoot are asked to come to the community gym before 10 a.m. on Dec. 8. There is no registration, children wanting to shoot free throws only have to show up. To learn more about the Hoop Shoot, visit http://www.elks.org/hoopshoot.


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