Parks and Rec board discusses ping-pong, strategic planning workshop

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met on the evening of Wed., Dec. 5. It was the first meeting for two new members of the board, Annya Ritchie and Keeleigh Morelli.

One of the first items on the agenda was board member reports, about parks and recreation related events or ideas in Wrangell. Ritchie, who is also a member of the school board, reported that the school is in the process of looking at its PE and health curriculum. She said she has been looking into ways the school system and the Parks and Rec department could be more integrated and collaborative.

Demerjian also reported on an idea for a new

project for the department. He said that, for very little cost, the Parks and Rec department could purchase some ping-pong tables. He said that ping-pong was a very cardio-friendly activity, and was enjoyed by people of all ages. He said the tables could be easily stored and used in the old community classroom across from the gym, or the racquetball court when it is not in use.

The board was unanimously in favor of the ping-pong idea, saying that it would be good for people wanting to stay healthy, and would also be a fun activity for teen nights. They all agreed the idea was worth looking into. It was decided to discuss the idea further in their next meeting in January.

The advisory board also discussed holding a strategic plan workshop in the near future, to better visualize what direction the Parks and Rec department should go in and what steps were needed to get there. The board

discussed what kind of information they should gather, such as financial information and needs assessments. After some discussion about what the workshop would look like, the board agreed to meet on Feb. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch will be provided, said Director of the parks and recreation department Kate Thomas. The public will also be welcome to attend, she added.

The board also discussed alternative ideas to committee structures, as well as the possible resurfacing of Volunteer Trail before adjourning.

The next advisory board meeting will take place in January.


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