Rod and Gun Club hosts first turkey shoot

Sentinel writer

The Wrangell Rod and Gun Club, a relatively new organization in the community, held its first turkey shoot out at the gun range last Saturday morning.

The club was put together to encourage and support local fishing and shooting sports. The club is also in a partnership with the Friends of the NRA, looking to receive grants for improvements to the gun range. The purpose of the turkey shoot was partially to demonstrate to the Friends of the NRA the need for gun range improvements in Wrangell, according to Club President Terry Courson. However, he added, the main reason for the turkey shoot was to serve as a membership drive and to have fun. There was also a fundraising aspect, as well, but membership was the main goal.

The turkey shoot opened a little after 11 a.m. on Saturday. It was a cold morning, with snow on the ground, but Courson said he was amazed by the turnout. Attendees were treated to hot dogs, chips, and drinks while the turkey shoot was set up. Dave Powell and Doug McCloskey set up targets and helped younger shooters with their rifles. Participants were divided into several categories: seven to nine-years old, 10 to 12-years-old, teens, women, and men. Using .22 long rifles with iron sights, each shooter was given three shots at a paper target. Whoever made a shot closest to a bullseye won their round.

Youth winners included Jackson Carney, in the seven to nine-years-old age category, and Gavin Hunt in the 10 to 12-years-old category. Kyle Hommel Jr. took first place in the teen category. The men and women categories each took two rounds to shoot. The winners of the women's category were Kathleen Easterly and Pam McCloskey. The winners in the men's category were Kenneth Wilson and Matt Houser. Matthew Barker was named the best shot overall. Ian Nelson, a fourth grader, also won a mixed men/boys round of shooting.

The prizes for the younger winners were $25 gift certificates to the movie theater. For the adult contestants, there were frozen turkeys on the line. Three contestants also won some "booby prizes" of small game hens. These went to Juanita Courson, Kim Powell and Shirley Wimberly. Besides the prizes, there was also a 50/50 raffle people could enter. The winner of this raffle was Heather Peterson, the whole pot being a sum total of $310. A Cricket Youth Rifle was also won in a raffle by Victor Harrison.

The turkey shoot was a great success, Courson said. The rod and gun club had 57 new members sign up. They also raised over $1,000 for the club. Being the first shooting event hosted by the club, he said it was a good learning experience. The next event on the club's agenda, Courson added, is a pistol shooting contest at the indoor range at the police station. The date of this event is to be determined. To learn more about the rod and gun club, search for the "Wrangell Rod and Gun Club" on Facebook.


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