Police report

December 10, 2018

Traffic stop: Citation issued to Shane Legg-Privett, 40. Failure to provide proof of insurance. Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Civil issue.

Agency assist: EMT’s.

Found property.

Agency assist: EMT’s.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Agency assist: Chimney fire.

December 11, 2018

Suspicious vehicle.

Citizen assist.

Vacation check.

Two parking complaints.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Agency assist: EMT’s.

Civil issue.

December 12, 2018

Civil issue.

Traffic complaint: Extra patrol requested around school.

Citizen assist: Senior in need.

Noise complaint.

Two agency assist: EMT’s.

December 13, 2018

Three agency assist: EMT’s.

Citizen assist: Senior in need.

Theft reported.

Traffic complaint: Officer responded.

Citation issued: Laurie Brown, 31. Failure to stop and verbal warning for expired license less than a year.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning given for no headlights.

Agency assist: Medical transport.

December 14, 2018


Bird complaint.

Agency assist: Alarm.

Concerned citizen.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for not stopping at stop sign.


Citizen assist: Security check.


December 15, 2018

Agency assist: Alarm.

Agency assist: Power outage.

Agency assist: WMC.

Agency assist: Alarms.

Found property.


Citizen assist.

Agency assist: Dumpster.

Harassing messages.

Illegal parking.

Verbal warning for illegal parking.

Arrested: Duke Aitken, 26, on charges of domestic violence assault III.

December 16, 2018

Agency assist: Ambulance.

There were five ambulance calls and two dog complaints this week.


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