Polar Bear Plunge coming this New Year

As many people in Wrangell are surely aware, Alaska is cold in the winter. While others may bundle up or drink lots of coffee to fight the cold, there is another group that embraces it. The Wrangell Polar Bear Club will be holding their annual plunge at Shoemaker Park on New Year’s Day.

Aleisha Mollen, with the club, said that this is the 19th annual polar bear plunge for Wrangell. On Jan. 1, at 1 p.m., participants will run chest deep into the ocean, dunk themselves, and stand in the cold water for a full minute. Those who make it the full minute are then welcomed into the polar bear club, and everybody is invited to come do it again next year.

“It’s just a way to kind of promote a little bit of fun community unity, you know, getting your new year started off right, just to kind of prove you’re a tough Alaskan,” she said.

The polar bear plunge is open to anybody willing to participate. Mollen said that they had about 40 participants last year. The number ranges from 30 to 50 people every year, depending on the weather. There is no entry fee, she said, people just need to show up and have fun. There will be door prizes, as well. The polar bear club will also be accepting donations for the Mariners’ Memorial. Even if someone attending decides not to take the plunge, Mollen said, they’re welcome to sit on dry land and show their support for those who do.


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