Wolves stumble in Metlakatla games last weekend

It was a hard-fought weekend for the Wrangell Wolves as they went up against the Metlakatla Chiefs. In two games against last year’s 2A champions, on Feb. 15 and 16, the Wolves were unable to catch a break. The Wolves are now 6-6 in conference games.

Friday’s game started very close. The Chiefs were only able to hold a two point lead against the Wolves. Wrangell’s team was very determined, and managed to take the lead in the second quarter, 20 points to Metlakatla’s 17. However, the second half of the game went fully in the Chiefs’ favor. The Chiefs managed to be more accurate in shooting, three pointers, and free throws. Wrangell player Brett Abrahamson (No. 45) scored the most for the Wolves that game, with a total of nine points. However, the wind had clearly gone out of Wrangell’s sails by the second half. The final score was 58-36, a loss for the Wolves.

The game was closer on Saturday, but still a hard slog for the Wolves. The first quarter opened with the two teams staying fairly close to each other, the Chiefs maintaining a narrow lead. That lead only widened in the second and third quarter, but it was not as wide as Friday’s game had been. The Wolves rallied in the fourth quarter, scoring 15 points against the Chiefs’ 10. Wrangell player Trevor Miller (No. 34) made 15 points for Wrangell through the whole game, the most of the team. However, the last-minute rally did not give the Wolves enough to catch up. The final score was 45-39 in Metlakatla’s favor.

“Metlakatla is a very good team, they’re the defending state champions,” Coach Cody Angerman said.

Angerman said that each loss is a learning experience for the team, and after playing against the Chiefs four times this season, he said his team has a fairly good understanding of how they play.

The Wolves are hosting their final home games of the season this weekend, against the Haines Glacier Bears. After that, they will travel to Petersburg for their last set of games before regionals. Angerman said he and his team are looking forward to regionals, and are prepared to play hard to get there. The Wolves are focusing on getting in as much practice as they can, as well as making sure everyone is eating and sleeping right.

“These next two weeks are going to tell us a lot about it [regionals],” he said. “Obviously we want to win, but I’ll do anything I can to make sure my players are healthy.”


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