Shoemaker renovationa update

Renovations to Shoemaker Bay Harbor are on schedule despite some delays with receiving floats, according to Wrangell Public Facilities Director Amber Al-Haddad. There were some issues with the float manufacturer, based in Seattle, getting the floats ready and shipped up to Wrangell, she explained. However, the project is still on track to meet its completion date of June 13.

Al-Haddad said that contractors Tamico Inc. and Rock-N-Road Construction have several floats installed already, and received an additional five floats this week that they will be installing. Installation of water and sewer lines have also begun, she added. Work crews have been working on the concrete structure for the harbor's gangway, but this has been delayed due to the cold weather. She said that they are just waiting for things to warm up, and that part of the job will be completed relatively quickly. The entire cost of the project, she said, is $8,427,240.


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