Wrangell Medical Center's Long-term Care Center repeats top-ranking score for quality measures

For the second straight month, Wrangell Medical Center’s (WMC) Long-Term Care sits atop the state rankings for nursing home quality, based on an average of 11 quality measures used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). With scores of 4.49 and 3.37 in December 2018 and January 2019, respectively, WMC scored below the CMS national target of 6.0 and well below the state composite scores of 8.5 in December 8.42 in January, besting the 17 other qualified nursing homes in Alaska.

“We have a great team at WMC,” said WMC Administrator Robert Rang. “Our long-term care staff is striving to consistently exceed quality measures for the benefit of our residents.”

The measures are collected by Mountain-Pacific Quality Health (MPQH), which is a nonprofit corporation under the direction of CMS.

Last year, WMC was one of only five nursing homes in the state to be recognized with the Quality Achievement Award by MPQH. WMC also received the Most Improved “Gold Pan” award for having the highest reduction in its overall composite score and was the only long-term care facility in the state to take home multiple Gold Pans in 2018.


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