Golf Roundup

Angerman’s Inc. sponsored golf tournaments, the first of the year, on April 27 and 28.

There were 16 participants in Saturday’s tournament. First place went to a team composed of Eric Koding, Tyler Eagle, Dwight Nancy and Mick Andrews with a net score of 19 and team handicap of 16. Second place went to Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Rodney Littleton, and Jim Brooks with a net score of 21 and a handicap of 13. Lloyd Word had the straightest drive of the day at 14 inches.

Sunday’s tournament saw 20 participants. First place went to the team composed of Rocky Littleton, Rodney Littleton, Ken Madsen and Jim Brooks, with a net score of 18 and a team handicap of 14. Second place went to Eric Kading, Tyler Eagle, Wayne Harding, and Faye Kohrt with a score of 21 and handicap of 16. Brian Smith had the straightest drive of the day at eight inches. Rodney Littleton was closest to the pin at 23 feet and 3.5 inches.

There will be an annual meeting at the Elks Lodge on May 2, at 7 p.m.

Wrangell IGA will be sponsoring next weekend’s tournament, on May 4 and 5. Those wishing to participate are asked to sign up no later than 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, with the tournament starting at 10 a.m. They will hold their annual dinner and auction on May 5, from 5 to 8 p.m.


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