Bears come out strong in first games of the season, Rays and Sharks showing improvement

The Rays and the Sharks, both a part of the Wrangell Little League's minor league division, had their first game of the season on April 30. The game went heavily in the Rays' favor and they won the game with a score of 8-1.

Tawney Crowley, coach for the Rays, said it was a good game for her team for a number of reasons. One of their players, Kiara Lyons,

got to play in the catcher position for the first time, and she did a great job. The Rays also made four home runs that game, the first of which was made by Zander Bartlett. All in all, Crowley said that the game was very exciting and high energy. She added that the game was a good experience, also, in that it showed some ways all the teams in the minor league division could work together more to help all the players improve and enjoy the season.

"Their progress from the first practice was really encouraging," she said. "I think that's what we were most proud of during that

whole game, was the fact that they really, truly functioned like they were a team. Not just in their playing, but they were cheering for one another, actually getting into it. It seemed like the interest was really there."

While the Sharks got an extra day off to recover from the game, the Rays went on to play against the Bears on May 2, the minor league division's third team. This was the first game of the season for the Bears, coached by Sheri Ridgeway, John Powell, and Hank Voltz. It proved to be a very strong opening game for them, as the Bears went on to win the game 6-1.

The Bears played again the next day, May 3, against the Sharks. The Sharks were wiped out by the Bears, not making a single run the entire game. The Bears, on the other hand, demonstrated a strong batting game, winning 10 to nothing. Sharks Coach Tory Houser pointed out that they have a team of comparatively younger players. In spite of the loss, she said the game was a great learning experience for the Sharks, and that she is seeing improvement with each practice and game.

"The game went good," Voltz said after the game. "The kids show up to practice every day prepared, ready to go. It makes my job pretty easy. It's pretty fun, they're good kids and listen pretty good."

As of Tuesday, May 7, the Rays stand at 1-1 for the season. The Bears remain undefeated at 2-0, and the Sharks are continuing to chase their first win of the season at 0-2. Minor league games will continue every Tuesday and Thursday evening until June 13, followed by an end of the season picnic on Saturday, June 15.


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