Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I wonder what has happened to fiscal responsibility in state government? We no longer have statesmen representing Alaska, but more outsiders that don't understand our way of life. And, this mismanagement of the Alaska Marine Highway System is holding Alaskans hostage. Whose idea was it to compete with the cruise industry?

Now the M/V Columbia broke down. When you talk to the terminal agents, wipers, engineers, pursers, stewards, and ABs, it has been mismanagement, no funds for maintenance, fast ferries, and poor vessel design. This holding the coastal communities of Alaska hostage without a road system is beyond arbitrary and capricious, it is against the Alaska Constitution.

Did you know all our politicians charge the state for their travel on the AMHS?

The runners on the senate and legislature are paid well and have complete benefits for running notes back and forth.

How about we limit frivolous government spending and focus on making Alaska strong again?

Let's cut the legislature's per diem and house the House of Representatives and Senate, and all their aides on the ferry during session.

Tie up in downtown Juneau and have their meals onboard.

Let's close the roads to Fairbanks and Homer with no road maintenance, build a tollbooth and charge them for their highway.

Let the AMHS run the US mail and haul freight.

Open the bars and gift shop.

Make the schedules consistent so Alaskans know when they can book.

Reduce the cost of ridership for Alaskans and let drivers go for free.

Thank you, Wrangell, for signing the AMHS petition. It made it to Senator Stedman's in time for the Finance Committee.

Capt. Loretto Jones

To the Editor:

Wrangell City government is on the same course as the state ferry system. You cannot fix it until it goes broke. The upcoming lawsuit could break the city so it can start new or you could let them tax you out.

Jim Colier


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