Golf roundup

Muskeg Meadows Golf Course held a nine-hole best ball tournament last weekend. There were 11 participants in total on Saturday, May 18. First place went to a team composed of Matt Hauser, Doug Nelson, and Jim Brooks. They had a net score of 22 with a team handicap of 15. Faye Kohrt had the straightest drive of the day at 178 inches.

Sunday’s game, on May 19, had eight participants. First place went to a team composed of Brian Smith, Jason Garringer, Keene Kohrt, and Faye Kohrt. They had a net score of 20 and a team handicap of 16. Kaye Kohrt had the straightest drive of the day at three feet.

Next weekend the Totem Bar will be sponsoring a nine-hole best ball tournament. Sign up begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 25.

Coach Jim Brooks also gave an end of the year report for the Wrangell High School and Stikine Middle School golf club. The season exceeded expectations, he said in an email to the Sentinel. They met twice a week over the course of five weeks, and practices saw as many as a dozen students participating. The club held its championship last week, where seven golfers competed in a best ball tournament of two teams. First place went to a team composed of Jacen Hay, Devlyn Campbell, and Kyle Hommel. In the runner up position was Jimmy Baggen, Jayden Buhler, Nick Allen, and Spencer Petticrew.


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