School board appoints student representative committee, reviews grant applications

The Wrangell School Board met last Monday night, May 20, for one of their regularly scheduled meetings. One of the first items they covered was the final report of the school year from the student government. They heard updates about student activities, and what the kids have been up to their final few weeks of school before summer, or graduation, came around. The student government elected new leadership in their final meeting, held on May 7. Jing O'Brien was named president for the 2019-2020 high school government, and Laura Helgeson was named vice-president. Kaylyn Easterly will serve as secretary, and Wade Jack will be the government's treasurer.

Related to the student government, the school board also appointed a "student representative committee" during their meeting. This committee will interview student candidates who are interested in the position of student representative to the board. This is a position open to two high school students, who will serve as a liaison between the student body and the district, provide "student insight" to the school board, and to report to the students about the work of the school board. The committee that was approved by the board consists of Secondary School Principal David Macri, teacher Winston Davies, Loretta Rice, Superintendent Debbe Lancaster, and School Board Member Jessica Rooney. They will begin the interview process later this week, and will present their decision at the next school board meeting.

Grant applications were another important agenda item the board reviewed. There were three applications that came before the school board that evening: The Alaska Migrant Education Literacy Grant, the NRA School Shield Grant, and the Small Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA). The literacy grant is awarded to school districts to support improving literacy rates amongst migrant families. The NRA grant, in the district's application, will be used provide new locks and cameras to Evergreen Elementary School, if awarded. The SRSA is a federal program that is designed to offer financial assistance to rural schools, aimed at improving academic achievement amongst students. All three applications were approved by the board.

During the meeting, the school board also reviewed several policy updates. The board plans to review the 2019-2020 student handbooks, the school bus transportation contract, and the annual calendar of board activities at a future date. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for June 17.


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