Eighth annual Kids' Fishing Day this Saturday

Everybody, especially families with children, are invited to the eighth annual Kids' Fishing Day at Pats Lake this Saturday, June 15. Corree Delabrue, with the Forest Service, said that the fishing day was originally put together by Wrangell's scouting troops, but that the Forest Service had taken over in recent years.

This year, the Wrangell Rod and Gun Club, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition are all involved. The event is designed to encourage families to enjoy the outdoors and have a fun day at the lake.

"This is the day before Father's Day," she said. "It's a great way to spend time with your family. I think in Wrangell, encouraging outdoor recreation in Wrangell is almost easier than in most places. It's almost part of the lifestyle here. I see all the kids running around on a nice day, it always makes me feel good to see that."

The fishing day will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Delabrue said that many kids will go straight onto the lake to fish after signing up. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has special rules for youth fishing on the third and fourth weekends of June, she said, which is why they chose this date for the event. These special rules are designed to increase interest in fishing among younger people, and make it more fun for them.

"Kids under 16 can use bait, and there's no size limit," she said. "They can have a two cutthroat trout possession with no size limit, which is different than the normal regulations."

For those less interested in fishing, Delabrue said that there will be plenty of other attractions out at the lake. There will be games, lessons on how to make fishing lures, and T-shirts. Lunch will be provided, as well.

Another big attraction is that the watershed coalition, which will have a booth, will be offering tours of Pats Creek at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The watershed coalition is doing some restoration work on the creek, to make it a more viable place for fish habitats. They held a presentation discussing their work at one of the Nolan Center's Chautauqua events in March. They will offer the public an up-close look at what they are doing, and will explain how they hope to make the creek a better place for fish.

Whether fishing or just enjoying the outdoors, Delabrue said that everyone is encouraged to come out to the lake and have a good time.

"It's a time for families to be out there together," she said.


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